F-Zero GX Story Mode - Max Speed - Hard - Chapter 8

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Very Hard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap
1. superSANIC 2'16"802
39\"127 - 33\"010 - 32\"523 - 32\"142
2. Mengsk 2'19"977
3. CGN 2'20"517
4. Hulmy 2'20"939
5. Zeroken 2'20"998
6. Daniel 2'24"103
7. E_Dragon 2'24"819
8. squirmy 2'25"313
9. FSF Returns 2'25"962
French record for this chapter. No video yet.
10. JkLoser 2'26"306
11. STIFF 2'26"349
12. dimi 2'26"380
13. iowa 2'26"984
14. AKC12 2'27"012
15. kanata 2'28"170
16. Radekore 2'28"829
17. Ryuuji 2'29"452
18. Cpt.JJ 2'30"180
19. Baphy 2'30"231
I\'m happy with this improvement for now
20. Valyssa 2'30"450
21. houndogz 2'32"018
22. Falco 2'33"501
23. mtthew 2'34"090
24. StarkNebula 2'35"482
25. Drakodan 2'35"576
26. Naegleria 2'36"891
27. Mandalore 2'36"967
28. Elite Spud 2'38"362
29. Uchiha Madao 2'39"265
30. highwatermark 2'40"534
31. ReddoGX 2'40"665
32. FoREVer4258 2'41"050
33. FAI 2'41"520
34. thevorace 2'41"691
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/NonHiddenSB/SA
35. astro 2'41"733
36. Insignia 2'41"741
37. PhDieter 2'43"027
38. NewCaptainFalcon 2'44"325
39. RoadRunner 2'45"045
40. JD93 2'45"047
41. mickaelgirard 2'46"206
42. GiroG 2'47"061
00'45'653, 00'39'979, 00'40'500, figure out the last one
43. JesusBR 2'47"420
44. RichardTaro 2'47"586
45. KyllerHunter 2'47"625
46. PyrenZero 2'51"611
47. Neto 2'51"674
48. spotnick99 2'52"067
49. Sekanor 2'53"275
50. FataliT 2'54"351
51. Olshi 2'55"027
52. Domdoughty 2'55"610
47''603 + 43''813 + 41''885 + 42''309
53. x_loto 2'55"709
54. Rood 2'55"780
55. Expelsword 2'56"036
56. gavme 2'56"220
57. vegan 2'56"762
58. RustyCucumber 2'58"219
59. Rmac524 2'58"527
60. Nappino 2'59"388
61. White0ut 2'59"685
62. rog3r20 2'59"741
63. BigHossByGosh 3'00"982
64. Ferris Beuller 4'00"000
65. adel 5'00"000
resubmit this time since it was wrong.