F-Zero GX Story Mode - Max Speed - Very Hard - Chapter 7

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Very Hard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap
1. CGN 2'20"364
2. superSANIC 2'22"075
3. Zeroken 2'27"222
4. ArtfulHobbes 2'27"230
5. anonymous1 2'27"826
6. Mengsk 2'28"534
7. KyllerHunter 2'28"563
8. squirmy 2'29"267
9. Radekore 2'30"485
Sub 2\'30 coming soon?
10. Hulmy 2'31"239
11. Daniel 2'31"332
12. E_Dragon 2'31"690
13. Cpt.JJ 2'33"019
Video on Youtube
14. Uchiha Madao 2'33"542
15. FSF Returns 2'33"607
Current french record. No video yet.
16. iowa 2'34"264
17. JkLoser 2'34"451
18. AKC12 2'34"884
19. dimi 2'35"083
20. Baphy 2'35"694
Black SHadow and Blood Hawk still alive in this run. Was very fortunate didn't die during shift boosts.
21. moreno1304 2'36"222
22. highwatermark 2'37"213
23. houndogz 2'37"355
24. Ryuuji 2'38"224
25. KAZOON 2'38"294
37\"655 + 29\"527 + 30\"596 + 30\"678 + 29\"838
26. Elite Spud 2'38"916
27. mtthew 2'39"043
28. STIFF 2'39"076
29. Joselle A. 2'39"088
37\"857 - 29\"976 - 30\"497 - 30\"397 - 30\"361
30. Valyssa 2'39"274
31. kanata 2'40"252
32. Naegleria 2'40"776
33. FoREVer4258 2'42"658
34. PhDieter 2'43"706
35. Insignia 2'44"038
36. Drakodan 2'44"214
37. FAI 2'44"391
38. StarkNebula 2'44"411
39. Falco 2'44"423
40. Mandalore 2'44"971
41. Domdoughty 2'46"298
37''870 + 31''671 + 31''721 + 31''902 + 33''134
42. IntenseQuote 2'46"341
43. RoadRunner 2'47"276
44. Rmac524 2'47"323
45. Rood 2'47"548
46. JesusBR 2'47"653
47. Expelsword 2'47"705
48. JD93 2'47"779
49. thevorace 2'48"867
50. adel 2'49"028
51. PyrenZero 2'49"061
52. FataliT 2'49"552
53. astro 2'49"813
54. ReddoGX 2'49"980
55. NotaSkeleton 2'50"838
56. White0ut 2'51"432
57. gavme 2'51"492
58. Olshi 2'52"007
59. RustyCucumber 2'52"513
60. GiroG 2'52"812
00'39'754, 00'33'485, 00'34'357, 00'34'169, don't know the last one.
61. NewCaptainFalcon 2'52"979
62. vegan 2'53"409
63. Nappino 2'54"279
64. Ferris Beuller 3'15"000
65. floancs 10'39"999