F-Zero GX Story Mode - Max Speed - Very Hard - Chapter 6

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Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Very Hard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap
1. superSANIC 2'23"382
2. CGN 2'23"877
3. Zeroken 2'25"253
4. Mengsk 2'25"452
5. Hulmy 2'26"748
6. ArtfulHobbes 2'27"408
7. Cpt.JJ 2'27"806
8. JkLoser 2'27"886
9. FSF Returns 2'28"134
French record for this chapter on all difficulties. (\'w\')
10. dimi 2'28"529
11. E_Dragon 2'28"915
12. Daniel 2'29"118
13. iowa 2'29"170
14. Radekore 2'29"483
Kill the innocent for more health lol
15. Valyssa 2'30"101
16. STIFF 2'30"267
17. moreno1304 2'30"965
18. Mandalore 2'31"505
19. kanata 2'31"710
20. Naegleria 2'31"730
21. Ryuuji 2'32"208
22. Falco 2'32"253
23. Elite Spud 2'32"370
24. mtthew 2'32"467
25. AKC12 2'32"483
26. Baphy 2'32"543
27. Joselle A. 2'32"666
28. squirmy 2'32"672
29. StarkNebula 2'32"767
30. Drakodan 2'32"851
31. thevorace 2'32"889
32. ReddoGX 2'33"097
33. astro 2'33"549
34. Uchiha Madao 2'33"710
35. FAI 2'33"734
36. Insignia 2'34"220
37. JesusBR 2'34"769
38. FoREVer4258 2'34"984
39. GiroG 2'35"171
40. JD93 2'35"378
41. IntenseQuote 2'35"455
42. highwatermark 2'35"469
43. fl4re_gun 2'35"614
44. adel 2'35"863
45. floancs 2'36"106
46. Rood 2'36"275
47. houndogz 2'36"385
48. gavme 2'37"314
49. NotaSkeleton 2'37"826
50. PhDieter 2'38"359
51. Domdoughty 2'38"400
52. NewCaptainFalcon 2'38"834
53. Expelsword 2'39"417
54. Rmac524 2'39"877
55. Nappino 2'40"155
56. KyllerHunter 2'40"174
57. Olshi 2'40"976
58. mickaelgirard 2'41"653
59. RoadRunner 2'41"826
60. RustyCucumber 2'42"637
61. vegan 2'44"224
62. snubnose 2'45"103
63. FataliT 2'45"378
64. PyrenZero 2'45"957
65. White0ut 2'47"298
66. Sekanor 2'47"542
67. BigHossByGosh 2'48"748
68. Ferris Beuller 3'00"000