F-Zero GX Snaking - Sapphire Cup - Port Town - Long Pipe

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

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Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. BattleStream 1'35"144 0'29"751 2708
34"392 - 31"001 - 29"751
2. CGN 1'46"704 0'34"143 2618
38\'\'150 - 34\'\'196 - 34\'\'358
Set on: 24/09/2011
3. 1davidj 1'49"381 0'33"804 2759
40\"019 - 35\"558 - 33\"804 (Tornado Condor) -- 10/19/18
Lap 10/19/18 (Tornado Condor) Speed 5/23/17 or later idk (Tornado Condor)
4. Falcon 1'51"513 0'38"635
5. Mad_Andy 1'53"376 0'00"000
6. Hylus5d10 1'57"859 0'37"112
42"529 + 37"580 + 37"750
7. Mengsk 1'58"165 0'38"036
8. superSANIC 1'58"767 0'36"302 2593
43\"477 - 38\"988 - 36\"302
[05/01/16] Tornado Condor-V2
9. FoREVer4258 2'03"957 0'39"588 2787
45\"498 | 41\"504 | 42\"289
10. ZeroPlus 2'04"643 0'39"301 2442
00'43"607 - 00'41"735 - 00'39"301
Tornado Condor-V2
11. STIFF 2'07"468 0'39"131 2175
No idea of Splits.
12. kanata 2'08"552 0'00"000
13. E_Dragon 2'10"096 0'40"899
46:258 - 42:939 - 40:899
14. Uchiha Madao 2'10"621 0'41"526 2168
15. Emperor91 2'11"212 0'41"923
16. RichardTaro 2'12"748 0'41"646 2472
17. FataliT 2'13"648 0'41"979 2198
18. Sharp 2'13"674 0'43"193 2481
Tornado Condor-V2
19. Zubola 2'14"172 0'41"888 2417
20. shido_amazon 2'14"660 0'42"425 2267
21. ValiantEdge_RX 2'14"715 0'42"792 2406
This run isn\'t great, I\'m probably going to redo it soon
22. Falco 2'15"413 0'43"481 2358
Tornado Condor - V2
23. Ryuuji 2'17"806 0'44"819
24. FAI 2'18"536 0'00"000
25. astro 2'18"609 0'44"743 2233
48''122 + 45''744 + 44''743
Tornado Condor-V2
26. Naegleria 2'20"176 0'45"339 2045
27. BulletBill 2'20"327 0'44"552
28. Rasha 2'20"762 0'45"112
29. Oval 2'25"558 0'45"901 2070
omega condor-v2
30. BlupiFan 2'25"855 0'47"078 2161
31. Unr3al 2'25"916 0'45"838 1952
32. Baphy 2'26"222 0'48"623 1917
51495 / 48092 / 48623
Hate this damn course.
33. micha_ 2'27"839 0'48"788 2026
34. ZAV 2'28"026 0'46"988 2131
35. houndogz 2'29"805 0'46"270 2289
36. Bert 2'31"573 0'49"469 1882
00\'52\"415 00\'49\"469 00\'49\"689
37. Lleycof 2'33"542 0'50"482 1984
38. Domdoughty 2'34"008 0'49"761
53''034 + 51''213 + 49''761
39. seraphics 2'35"982 0'49"247 1928
40. Tedbear24 2'37"205 0'51"312 1936
41. snubnose 2'46"057 0'53"285 2126
42. spotnick99 2'50"002 0'55"676 1899
57\"397 - 56\"929 - 55\"676
black bull
43. Ferris Beuller 2'55"000 0'55"000 1250