F-Zero Maximum Velocity Ladder

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Pawn Cup
Bianca City - Stretch
Stark Farm - First
Empyrean Colony - Dash
Stark Farm - Second
Cloud Carpet - Long Jump

Knight Cup
Tenth Zone East - Snake
Beacon Port - Crossroad
Synobazz - Explosive
Ancient Mesa - Split
Stark Farm - Third

Bishop Cup
Bianca City - Tightrope
Ancient Mesa - Skating
Crater Land - Skid Zone
Cloud Carpet - Icarus
Bianca City - Ultimate

Queen Cup
Crater Land - Loop
Tenth Zone East - Plummet
Empyrean Colony - Twist
Fire Field - Land Mine
Fire Field - Warrior

Championship - Synobazz

Rules | Add your times | Latest submissions

Player Last update AF score SRPR score Course total Lap total
1 Sean Burke 2007-07-15 13:33:57 416 8487 41'56"19 7'45"30
2 The Irish Prodigy 2011-04-06 18:44:53 346 6591 40'51"87 39'02"45
3 Alvis Duong 2007-07-16 13:22:01 263 8076 44'13"90 8'10"04
4 Paul_Magowan 2010-02-03 19:22:26 195 7850 45'09"96 8'27"71