F-Zero GP Legend - Bronze Cup - Fire Field - Blast Track

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Bronze Cup
Mute City - Tradition Park
Red Canyon - Junction
Mist Flow - Clip Oval
Lightning - Volute
Fire Field - Blast Track
Mute City - Tradition Park 2
Red Canyon - Junction 2
Mist Flow - Clip Oval 2
Lightning - Volute 2
Fire Field - Blast Track 2

Silver Cup
Silence - Box Rink
Sand Ocean - Caterpillar
Mute City - Expansion Park
Big Blue - Slip Highway
Mist Flow - Front and Back
Silence - Box Rink 2
Sand Ocean - Caterpillar 2
Mute City - Expansion Park 2
Big Blue - Slip Highway 2
Mist Flow - Front and Back 2

Gold Cup
Port Town - Forked Road
Silence - Honeycomb Rink
White Land - Flower
Fire Field - Wreckage Circuit
Red Canyon - Peak Jump
Illusion - Abyss Drop
Port Town - Forked Road 2
Silence - Honeycomb Rink 2
White Land - Flower 2
Fire Field - Wreckage Circuit 2
Red Canyon - Peak Jump 2
Illusion - Abyss Drop 2

Platinum Cup
Mute City - Mute City
Big Blue - Big Blue
Silence - Silence
Port Town - Port Town 2
Red Canyon - Red Canyon
Sand Ocean - Sand Ocean
White Land - White Land 2
Fire Field - Fire Field

Mute City - Championship

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap
1. RichardTaro 1'09"57 0'12"78
2. Yazzo 1'09"62 0'12"98
3. JuggerKnopp 1'09"84 0'13"46
1561 1353 1365 1346 1359
4. Faizer 1'10"33 0'12"67
1594 1358 1357 1360 1364
5. JkLoser 1'10"42 0'13"55
6. Mandalore 1'10"51 0'13"27
7. BPA 1'10"61 0'13"55
8. Kaynce 1'11"00 0'12"66
0/16, 0/16
9. Cpt.JJ 1'11"14 0'13"65
10. masao 1'11"76 0'13"82
11. Onizuka 1'11"94 0'13"58
1653 1410 1424 1440 1425
12. JesusFreak197 1'12"58 0'13"91
13. Peutos 1'13"48 0'13"54
14. FighBat 1'13"60 0'12"71
15. CGN 1'13"79 0'14"04
Settings: 8/16.
16. Phineasfool 1'14"05 0'14"29
17. Sherif 1'14"39 0'14"41
18. DavidVanMoer 1'14"44 0'14"54
19. Brutus 1'14"58 0'13"57
20. Copernicus 1'14"93 0'13"57
21. RichardH 1'14"97 0'14"45
22. AliekBertolucci 1'15"12 0'14"51
23. ReddoGX 1'15"14 0'14"45
24. mickaelgirard 1'15"36 0'14"48
25. RolStoppable 1'15"39 0'14"54
26. Fretzi 1'15"51 0'14"47
17\"08 14\"79 14\"59 14\"58 14\"47
27. Sarafan 1'15"61 0'14"58
28. envane 1'15"68 0'14"52
1733 1465 1460 1453 1457
0% 1723
29. WilleKarhunen 1'15"69 0'14"36
30. davecrawford 1'15"74 0'14"51
31. ElliotJones 1'15"76 0'14"60
32. Uchiha Madao 1'15"86 0'14"32
33. BretStiles 1'15"86 0'14"55
1708 1455 1456 1459 1508
34. Linner 1'15"88 0'14"48
35. CnucksGx 1'15"97 0'14"59
36. BlueFalkon 1'16"01 0'14"68
37. MetalYoshi 1'16"02 0'14"06
38. Westu 1'16"24 0'14"25
39. floancs 1'16"26 0'13"96
Lap 0%
40. TheBrain 1'16"38 0'14"30
41. FredJust 1'16"42 0'14"63
42. Hulabaloon 1'16"42 0'14"57
43. Emperor91 1'16"56 0'14"70
44. Randal 1'16"58 0'14"45
45. WMJ 1'16"60 0'14"61
46. zero_or_die 1'16"71 0'14"55
47. Rayquaza_Luke 1'16"77 0'14"71
48. GregT 1'16"83 0'14"64
49. snubnose 1'16"94 0'14"59
50. zewing 1'17"24 0'14"77
51. iorek8 1'17"34 0'14"81
52. Dave Phaneuf 1'17"38 0'14"80
53. zell99 1'17"38 0'14"84
54. Tedbear24 1'17"40 0'14"70
55. uhd 1'17"62 0'14"56
56. Sami_Cetin 1'17"68 0'14"78
57. shadowgamer196 1'17"70 0'14"88
58. FSF Returns 1'17"88 0'15"11
16\"78 - 15\"19 - 15\"24 - 15\"39 - 15\"28
Done at 0%. These mine boosts on lap 1. But consistency is still needed.
59. SuperSlasher 1'17"90 0'14"93
60. Jezzus_Prime 1'18"31 0'14"92
1751 - 1514 - 1525 - 1492 - 1549
61. SuperSkanvis 1'18"38 0'14"76
62. latortue 1'18"48 0'14"79
63. DMFG 1'18"55 0'14"94
64. customracer209 1'18"64 0'29"97
Used the mines.
65. GhostLJK 1'18"70 0'14"89
66. T-rex66 1'18"75 0'14"79
67. Mr.Fixit 1'18"84 0'15"07
68. Remlosh 1'18"95 0'15"13
69. Parrotman707 1'18"96 0'14"98
70. Daravos 1'18"99 0'14"92
New Time/Lap
71. Zork 1'19"01 0'14"09
72. FataliT 1'19"16 0'15"11
73. Dubbs 1'19"27 0'14"92
74. Matt_Witulski 1'19"27 0'14"92
75. nmain 1'19"43 0'15"08
76. sandmanxo 1'19"51 0'15"16
77. Youkai Murasaki 1'19"57 0'14"95
Old GBA Times
78. ThunderPhoenix1985 1'19"71 0'14"91
79. GuiGui2890 1'19"83 0'15"18
80. ste 1'19"83 0'15"31
81. JDMartin 1'19"86 0'15"10
82. Heian 1'19"96 0'15"22
83. Angrys 1'19"96 0'15"27
18\"57 - 15\"27 - 15\"33 - 15\"46 - 15\"33
84. LoganWest 1'19"98 0'15"16
85. astro 1'20"08 0'15"21
86. Thunder_Luigi 1'20"16 0'15"23
87. statix 1'20"19 0'15"39
88. Chrizzle 1'20"27 0'14"95
No idea of Splits.
89. fennec74 1'20"31 0'15"00
90. Cyris Winheim 1'20"58 0'15"06
91. Antman 1'20"67 0'15"39
92. Gray_Eagle 1'20"74 0'15"35
93. ValiantEdge_RX 1'20"75 0'15"28
94. thebrawler56 1'20"80 0'15"41
95. GPLegendUser07 1'20"89 0'15"26
96. smashdxburt 1'20"89 0'15"40
97. Cluster 1'20"91 0'14"95
98. HEATrunner00 1'21"26 0'15"42
99. YokaiKnight 1'21"29 30'00"00
100. MiniSterben 1'21"37 0'15"13
101. GamerUnleash3d 1'21"62 0'15"65
0\'18\"62, 0\'15\"71, 0\'15\"65, 0\'15\"84, 0\'15\"80
Top Speed
102. Hot_Sushi 1'21"71 0'15"48
103. Sf 1'21"89 0'15"19
104. TheBruteDream 1'22"05 0'15"24
105. CycloneJoker 1'22"13 0'15"10
1st: 0\'19\"74 2nd: 0\'15\"71 3rd: 0\'15\"57 4th: 0\'15\"58 5th: 0\'15\"53
106. Honekko 1'22"15 0'15"50
107. Pico769 1'22"28 0'15"27
108. MortalWombat 1'22"29 0'15"35
109. Mr_Ant87 1'22"43 0'15"69
19\"27, 15\"69, 15\"77, 15\"84, 15\"86
Both Course Time and Best Lap were completed in the same run.
110. ST1 1'22"74 0'15"48
111. Romain Lemaitre 1'22"79 0'15"59
112. CorH 1'22"80 0'00"00
113. deltablast54 1'22"90 0'16"03
114. Ferris Beuller 1'22"93 0'15"56
115. BloodFalconX 1'23"05 0'15"22
116. Link28 1'23"16 0'15"63
117. Darktux 1'23"20 0'15"57
118. Helix0207 1'23"31 0'15"62
119. houndogz 1'23"36 0'15"46
120. prower42 1'24"11 0'15"89
wow the lap's unbeatable in my PR's
121. FuzzyCow 1'24"46 0'16"23
122. musicman2059 1'24"52 0'15"86
123. Djungelurban 1'25"19 0'15"86
124. FireFox 1'25"54 0'16"10
125. STIFF 1'25"78 0'16"50
No idea of Splits.
126. monster3333332004 1'26"11 0'15"91
127. theabominable 1'26"45 30'00"00
128. Sausa 1'26"54 0'16"38
129. Gamer11564 1'27"04 0'15"64
130. Hylus5d10 1'27"13 0'15"50
131. PlayerX 1'27"60 0'16"22
132. Nox_fr 1'27"88 0'16"75
only one try
133. Norock 1'27"93 0'16"55
134. Bounty Hunter X 1'29"24 0'16"97
135. Locks 5'00"00 30'00"00
136. midiman 5'00"00 30'00"00
137. tx3000 5'00"00 30'00"00
138. gs68 5'00"00 30'00"00
139. JKT 5'00"00 30'00"00
140. Galactic 5'00"00 30'00"00
141. Samus_Aran_187 5'00"00 30'00"00
142. Lt. Jessie 5'00"00 30'00"00