F-Zero GX Open - Sapphire Cup - Big Blue - Drift Highway

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. kanata 0'32"001 0'08"904 9618
11~390 - 10~740 - 9~862
2. CGN 0'33"412 0'09"107 3742
13\"369 - 10\"718 - 09\"325
Set on: 18/03/2016
3. RichardTaro 0'34"767 0'08"502 9627
4. Chrizzle 0'35"270 0'11"094 3381
12~114 - 12~062 - 11~094
5. Mitani 0'37"741 0'00"000
6. superSANIC 0'39"440 0'11"454 3602
15\"709 - 11\"868 - 11\"863
[11/29/17] Snaking
7. Falcon 0'40"469 3'00"000
8. STIFF 0'41"876 0'12"476 3713
15~798 - 13~537 - 12~541
9. JKT 0'42"007 0'12"324
10. J_Mitchell 0'42"487 0'12"950 3289
11. Sixxer 0'42"661 0'12"706
12. falc0re 0'43"529 0'00"000
13. Mengsk 0'43"666 0'13"457 3178
14. Horley 0'43"771 0'00"000
15. midiman 0'44"015 0'11"598
15~769 - 14~400 - 13~846
16. juniorain 0'44"337 0'13"588 9328
17. JkLoser 0'44"418 0'00"000
18. Mahrla 0'44"695 0'09"316
19. LuCypha 0'44"764 0'00"000
20. Greg_Camarda 0'44"829 0'13"779 2896
21. scene316 0'44"962 0'13"288 2690
22. Jonathan_Gillo 0'45"460 0'14"000
23. whvn 0'45"639 0'13"622 3400
24. Trevor_Caldwell 0'46"410 0'14"497
25. iowa 0'47"035 0'14"862 3093
26. Emperor91 0'47"038 0'14"313
27. WMJ 0'47"361 0'00"000
28. JesusFreak197 0'47"759 0'14"727 2764
17`236 - 15`796 - 14`727
29. Joselle A. 0'48"042 0'14"659 3057
17\"723 - 15\"660 - 14\"659
Tornado Wyvern-V2
30. Firehawk 0'48"786 0'14"801 9634
17"585 - 15"207 - 15"994
31. BretStiles 0'48"981 0'15"045 2677
32. ZeroPlus 0'49"040 0'00"000
33. BulletBill 0'49"541 0'15"354
34. Pierre_Barthod 0'49"813 0'15"187 2815
35. Paul_Maes 0'49"994 0'15"650 2545
no spaceflying
36. statix 0'50"002 0'00"000
37. Sherif 0'50"243 0'00"000
38. Rayquaza_Luke 0'50"489 0'00"000
39. Ryuuji 0'51"124 0'16"157
40. AliekBertolucci 0'51"266 0'15"881 2440
41. Xavier De Busscher 0'51"327 0'15"307 9489
42. Jed Cournoyer 0'51"696 3'00"000
43. astro 0'51"748 0'16"284 2792
44. SabreAnt 0'51"913 0'00"000
45. BPA 0'51"937 3'00"000
46. Michael_Houghton 0'52"578 0'16"637
47. Cpt.JJ 0'52"634 0'00"000
48. houndogz 0'52"969 0'16"803 2406
49. Dave Phaneuf 0'52"999 0'00"000
50. darkeye 0'53"062 0'16"746 2442
18\"919 - 16\"746 - 17\"397
Omega Condor-V2
51. Endless 0'53"134 0'16"458 2377
52. iorek8 0'53"265 0'00"000
53. dizzle747 0'53"334 0'16"736 2580
54. Helix0207 0'54"275 0'00"000
55. obiwankenobi12 0'54"423 0'00"000
56. Locks 0'54"594 0'00"000
57. zell99 0'54"690 0'00"000
58. zero_or_die 0'54"712 0'16"434
59. ElliotJones 0'54"781 0'00"000
60. Berserker77 0'54"926 0'17"078 2380
Tornado Wyvern-v2
61. spirit_fox 0'55"207 0'17"415 2520
62. Scepheo 0'55"470 0'17"597 2463
63. JuggerKnopp 0'55"667 0'17"153 2246
64. customracer209 0'55"745 0'12"034 2945
Didn't use AR
I may have beaten the WR
65. lining 0'56"498 0'18"323 2430
66. Pico769 0'56"909 0'17"900 2519
done with Garnet Gantlet & Tornado Condor-V2
67. GPLegendUser07 0'56"986 0'18"216 2439
68. DarkMaster 0'57"816 3'00"000
Non dakou
69. apas 0'58"081 3'00"000
without dakou/spaceflying
70. snubnose 0'58"570 0'19"254 2425
71. shadowgamer196 0'58"827 0'00"000
72. Lagzorius 0'59"639 0'17"665
23''863 + 17''665 + 18''111
Non Side Attacks Max speed
73. BrokenSpacebar 0'59"896 0'18"474 2363
74. ReddoGX 1'00"197 0'17"709 2156
75. Tedbear24 1'00"585 0'20"007 2261
le snake
76. FatShark31 1'01"270 0'00"000
77. Antman 1'01"694 0'18"462 2448
78. Samus_Aran_187 1'02"052 0'19"302 2284
79. Dunjundweller 1'02"412 0'19"677
80. A_l_e_x 1'02"753 0'19"012 1875
81. LewisMintCake 1'03"789 0'18"943 1817
82. thevorace 1'04"326 0'19"652 1890
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/non-HiddenSB/SA/Suicide
83. Nappino 1'04"980 0'20"849 2147
84. Daravos 1'05"296 0'20"121 2246
85. Kort_Everett_Jackson 1'05"619 0'21"170 2202
86. Mat_Allen 1'06"784 0'20"428
87. Mark Padelsky 1'07"066 0'20"529 9134
88. foxmccloudx 1'07"242 0'00"000
89. moogleslam 1'07"727 0'20"739 1929
90. Gamma_ 1'09"051 0'00"000
91. Honekko 1'09"911 0'20"870 2045
92. msaari 1'09"975 0'00"000
93. KyllerHunter 1'10"278 0'20"765 2105
94. Kaze 1'10"534 0'00"000
95. White0ut 1'10"612 0'21"065 2042
96. TheKoopabros. 1'10"997 0'00"000
97. CobraCZ 1'11"795 0'21"293 1712
98. _Phyre_ 1'12"180 0'00"000
99. davecrawford 1'12"738 0'23"233
100. louis9 1'12"909 0'00"000
101. h40hm4ru 1'13"165 0'22"785
102. Carlos Arellano Sepu 1'13"177 0'22"880 1761
103. ToadBowser 1'13"631 0'22"261 1889
104. Edsgravy0 1'14"743 0'23"686 1691
105. Hadda 1'15"718 0'23"359
No Snake - Sem Snake
106. IceStormV1 1'15"890 0'00"000
107. SuperSkanvis 1'16"531 0'24"177 1747
108. x_loto 1'16"738 0'23"703 1705
109. ZacheryTheHedgehog 1'18"639 0'24"877 1477
I used one of my machines
110. Snagglux09 1'19"770 0'25"210 1647
111. CycloneJoker 1'20"559 0'25"281 1510
1st 00\'28\"842 2nd 00\'25\"281 3rd 00\'26\"436
112. royzourboy 1'22"124 0'24"973 1547
113. Profi_jdr_10 1'22"367 0'26"433 1625
114. AquaBlake 1'24"044 0'25"756 1533
115. Sami_Cetin 1'24"123 0'26"001 1529
116. latortue 1'25"778 0'27"334 1669
117. fennec74 1'27"061 0'28"021 1532
118. Ferris Beuller 1'30"000 0'30"000 1250
119. Onizuka 5'00"000 0'00"000
120. Wannabegood 5'00"000 0'00"000
121. Falco 9'59"999 0'00"000