F-Zero GX Open - Sapphire Cup - Port Town - Aero Dive

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

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Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. RichardTaro 0'39"306 0'09"788 9615
2. kanata 0'40"296 0'13"016 9597
13~899 - 13~016 - 13~381
3. Chrizzle 0'51"690 0'14"726 3634
20~198 - 15~718 - 15~774
4. midiman 0'53"233 0'16"071
20~502 - 16~328 - 16~403
5. Mahrla 0'56"209 0'14"390
6. juniorain 0'56"930 0'17"006 8449
7. STIFF 0'57"385 0'16"780 2815
22~857 - 17~439 - 17~089
8. LuCypha 1'03"881 0'00"000
9. Firehawk 1'03"998 0'17"021 9636
10. houndogz 1'13"812 0'23"104 2834
11. scene316 1'15"425 0'24"488 3555
12. Endless 1'15"563 0'24"210 3187
26~102 - 24~210 - 25~251
13. CGN 1'19"907 0'24"397 9340
30\"104 - 24\"764 - 25\"039
Set on: 31/05/2015
14. Mitani 1'26"113 0'00"000
15. superSANIC 1'27"493 0'26"194 3734
31\"099 - 28\"467 - 27\"927
[11/09/17] Snaking
16. Falcon 1'28"783 3'00"000
17. JkLoser 1'29"999 0'00"000
18. Sixxer 1'31"672 0'29"915
19. whvn 1'35"774 0'28"546 3815
20. Horley 1'39"388 0'00"000
21. iowa 1'39"836 0'31"708 3180
22. Mengsk 1'40"695 0'32"461 2883
23. WMJ 1'41"970 0'00"000
24. Jonathan_Gillo 1'42"514 0'32"455
25. J_Mitchell 1'43"167 0'32"517 3166
26. falc0re 1'43"476 0'00"000
27. Trevor_Caldwell 1'44"686 0'34"081
28. Xavier De Busscher 1'45"275 0'34"368 9485
Dakou/Space Flying.
29. Joselle A. 1'45"486 0'33"720 3063
37\"083 - 34\"683 - 33\"720
Tornado Gantlet-V2
30. JesusFreak197 1'45"550 0'34"401 9323
36`199 - 34`401 - 34`950
31. astro 1'46"684 0'33"343 3022
32. Emperor91 1'46"712 0'32"525
33. ZeroPlus 1'47"232 0'00"000
34. Rayquaza_Luke 1'48"183 0'00"000
35. FishMasterino 1'50"212 0'00"000
36. Greg_Camarda 1'50"460 0'34"311 2752
37. Ryuuji 1'51"713 0'34"196
38. spirit_fox 1'52"950 0'34"541 2664
another new record
39. BretStiles 1'53"227 0'35"533 3431
40. BulletBill 1'53"573 0'36"249
41. Sherif 1'54"054 0'00"000
42. zell99 1'56"370 0'00"000
43. Paul_Maes 1'56"582 0'36"818 7069
no spaceflying
44. JuggerKnopp 1'56"583 0'36"486 2608
45. SabreAnt 1'56"896 0'00"000
46. Dave Phaneuf 1'56"968 0'00"000
47. AliekBertolucci 1'57"988 0'37"860 2438
48. BPA 1'58"216 0'39"405
49. Helix0207 1'59"620 0'00"000
50. zero_or_die 1'59"903 0'38"495
51. Berserker77 2'01"501 0'38"912 3002
Tornado Condor-v2
52. lining 2'01"506 0'39"441 2632
53. iorek8 2'02"053 0'00"000
54. Jed Cournoyer 2'02"990 3'00"000
55. apas 2'03"233 3'00"000
without dakou/spaceflying
56. Locks 2'05"515 0'00"000
57. dizzle747 2'06"084 0'41"101 2706
58. Lagzorius 2'06"876 0'38"002
47''266 + 39''921 + 39''689
Non Side Attacks Max speed
59. statix 2'07"225 0'00"000
60. Scepheo 2'07"509 0'39"251 2941
61. Michael_Houghton 2'07"927 0'39"940
62. obiwankenobi12 2'08"296 0'00"000
63. DarkMaster 2'09"240 3'00"000
Non dakou
64. Pierre_Barthod 2'09"897 0'42"191 2745
65. BrokenSpacebar 2'11"483 0'40"384 2717
66. darkeye 2'12"023 0'42"177 2439
Gallant Star-G4
67. FatShark31 2'13"519 0'00"000
68. Mat_Allen 2'13"545 0'39"884
69. Antman 2'14"283 0'43"773 3084
70. GPLegendUser07 2'14"550 0'42"793 2796
71. shadowgamer196 2'14"636 0'00"000
72. Samus_Aran_187 2'15"142 0'43"789 2554
73. ReddoGX 2'15"984 0'42"587 2327
74. A_l_e_x 2'16"022 0'42"621 2446
75. LewisMintCake 2'17"822 0'43"061 2307
76. thevorace 2'18"860 0'43"577 2894
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/non-HiddenSB/SA/Suicide
77. snubnose 2'20"419 0'45"589 2765
78. Nappino 2'21"213 0'44"951 9281
79. moogleslam 2'22"356 0'44"207 2414
80. Pico769 2'22"977 0'46"841 2643
81. Mark Padelsky 2'23"032 0'45"669 9408
82. _Phyre_ 2'23"442 0'00"000
83. Honekko 2'23"946 0'45"845 2267
84. Daravos 2'24"414 0'45"436 2438
85. msaari 2'24"665 0'00"000
86. White0ut 2'24"784 0'46"148 2374
87. foxmccloudx 2'25"023 0'00"000
88. Edsgravy0 2'25"412 0'46"405 2300
89. TheKoopabros. 2'26"403 0'00"000
90. ToadBowser 2'27"619 0'46"050 2284
91. KyllerHunter 2'28"223 0'39"056 2468
92. Kaze 2'28"382 0'00"000
93. royzourboy 2'28"684 0'47"031 2340
94. CobraCZ 2'28"877 0'47"559 2391
95. louis9 2'29"368 0'00"000
96. Kort_Everett_Jackson 2'31"504 0'48"164 3361
97. Gamma_ 2'32"435 0'00"000
98. davecrawford 2'33"040 0'48"267
99. x_loto 2'33"975 0'48"454 2434
100. Carlos Arellano Sepu 2'34"047 0'48"396 1980
101. Hawnta 2'34"252 0'49"232 1966
102. IceStormV1 2'34"644 0'00"000
103. h40hm4ru 2'37"393 0'50"160
104. Dunjundweller 2'38"340 0'51"236
105. SuperSkanvis 2'38"399 0'51"032 2310
106. Snagglux09 2'40"116 0'51"416 1983
107. Sami_Cetin 2'45"984 0'52"881 1977
108. magnet14 2'46"210 0'52"096
109. Hadda 2'47"921 0'54"223
No Snake - Sem Snake
110. fennec74 2'48"852 0'53"182 2013
111. Ferris Beuller 2'50"000 0'55"000 1250
112. latortue 2'53"832 0'56"462 2611
113. Veloruis 2'56"202 0'54"239 2314
50% settings, for all 3
114. Profi_jdr_10 3'00"776 0'59"555 1750
115. Onizuka 5'00"000 0'00"000
116. Cpt.JJ 5'00"000 0'00"000
117. JKT 5'00"000 3'00"000
118. ElliotJones 5'00"000 0'00"000
119. Wannabegood 5'00"000 0'00"000
120. Falco 9'59"999 0'00"000