F-Zero GX Open - Diamond Cup - Aeropolis - Dragon Slope

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

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Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. RichardTaro 0'17"493 0'03"699 9626
2. kanata 0'17"534 0'04"930 9628
5~811 - 5~967 - 5~758
3. STIFF 0'17"954 0'05"491 3752
06~127 - 06~239 - 05~588
4. Chrizzle 0'18"866 0'05"977 3961
06~486 - 06~174 - 06~206
5. midiman 0'21"982 0'05"296
9~665 - 6~179 - 6~138
6. juniorain 0'25"316 0'05"501
7. Firehawk 0'28"509 0'08"828 9629
10"418 ° 9"263 ° 8"828
8. Mitani 0'28"816 0'00"000
9. LuCypha 0'29"617 0'00"000
10. scene316 0'32"159 0'10"178 3841
getting better
11. Joselle A. 0'33"172 0'10"585 4030
11\"198 - 10\"818 - 11\"156
Maximum Dragon
12. Endless 0'33"776 0'10"485 3971
12~430 - 10~861 - 10~485
13. Mahrla 0'34"803 0'08"146
14. falc0re 0'37"652 0'00"000
15. iowa 0'41"304 0'13"407 4207
16. SabreAnt 0'48"011 0'00"000
17. Rayquaza_Luke 1'32"085 0'00"000
18. CGN 1'33"461 0'27"903 4612
35\"888 - 29\"229 - 28\"344
Set on: 05/12/2015
19. houndogz 1'38"135 0'11"980 3650
20. superSANIC 1'38"945 0'28"772 4380
36\"602 - 31\"116 - 31\"227
[08/11/17] Maxspeed
21. Sixxer 1'48"894 0'34"103
22. Falcon 1'54"440 3'00"000
23. whvn 1'55"747 0'35"853 4471
43`098, 35`853, 36`796
24. JkLoser 1'58"041 0'00"000
25. Mengsk 2'02"556 0'39"160 4096
26. JesusFreak197 2'03"835 0'38"905 4113
44`857 - 39`301 - 39`657
27. Jonathan_Gillo 2'04"506 0'39"385
28. J_Mitchell 2'06"868 0'39"227 4263
29. BulletBill 2'07"663 0'40"647
30. Lagzorius 2'10"374 0'39"638
Non Side Attacks Max speed
31. Horley 2'13"445 0'00"000
32. Emperor91 2'15"141 0'41"078
33. darkeye 2'15"178 0'43"038 4058
47\"136 - 44\"466 - 43\"576
Omega Gantlet-V2
34. astro 2'15"297 0'43"104 3224
35. ZeroPlus 2'15"452 0'00"000
36. WMJ 2'15"729 0'00"000
37. apas 2'16"325 3'00"000
without dakou/spaceflying
38. DarkMaster 2'18"064 3'00"000
Non dakou
39. lining 2'19"254 0'44"478 3217
40. Ryuuji 2'19"912 0'44"605
41. Pierre_Barthod 2'19"946 0'44"535 2973
42. Paul_Maes 2'21"581 0'43"508 3454
43. Scepheo 2'22"352 0'44"999 3792
Fat Shark
44. Xavier De Busscher 2'22"360 0'45"674 9474
45. shadowgamer196 2'24"076 0'00"000
46. Trevor_Caldwell 2'24"851 0'46"061
47. Greg_Camarda 2'25"347 0'46"071 3207
48. AliekBertolucci 2'27"458 0'47"110
49. Antman 2'27"980 0'45"833 3752
50. JuggerKnopp 2'28"249 0'46"897 2910
51. iorek8 2'28"505 0'00"000
52. BretStiles 2'28"831 0'47"634 3189
53. dizzle747 2'29"234 0'47"506 3117
54. statix 2'29"597 0'00"000
55. spirit_fox 2'30"006 0'46"353 3611
56. Dave Phaneuf 2'31"830 0'00"000
57. Helix0207 2'32"027 0'00"000
58. Jed Cournoyer 2'32"517 3'00"000
59. zell99 2'34"631 0'00"000
60. A_l_e_x 2'34"770 0'47"575 3710
61. obiwankenobi12 2'36"547 0'00"000
62. ElliotJones 2'37"000 0'00"000
63. Berserker77 2'38"617 0'49"617 3774
Garnet Phantom-G4
64. thevorace 2'39"245 0'48"929 3821
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/non-HiddenSB/SA/Suicide
65. FatShark31 2'40"970 0'00"000
66. Michael_Houghton 2'42"112 0'50"008
67. Pico769 2'42"117 0'51"115 3150
w/ Centaurus
68. GPLegendUser07 2'43"340 0'51"756 2916
69. ReddoGX 2'44"026 0'48"701 3424
70. BPA 2'44"721 0'54"907
71. BrokenSpacebar 2'45"421 0'51"139 2994
0\'57\"935 0\'53\"435 0\'54\"051
different car for flap and speed
72. Dunjundweller 2'45"764 0'53"391
73. snubnose 2'45"998 0'54"269 3342
74. LewisMintCake 2'48"326 0'51"860 2427
75. Mark Padelsky 2'50"620 0'52"837 9433
76. zero_or_die 2'50"642 0'52"817
77. Mat_Allen 2'50"958 0'51"777
78. Nappino 2'52"965 0'55"734 2831
79. Samus_Aran_187 2'55"466 0'55"820 3029
80. foxmccloudx 2'55"528 0'00"000
81. Deltar 2'56"344 0'56"212 2792
82. Carlos Arellano Sepu 2'56"415 0'55"303 2809
83. Sherif 2'56"516 0'00"000
84. White0ut 2'56"567 0'54"655 3133
85. moogleslam 2'58"302 0'56"260 3129
86. _Phyre_ 2'58"379 0'00"000
87. TheKoopabros. 3'00"280 0'00"000
88. Gamma_ 3'01"720 0'00"000
89. CobraCZ 3'03"710 0'56"674 3021
90. ToadBowser 3'05"414 0'58"303 2641
91. Kaze 3'05"572 0'00"000
92. davecrawford 3'06"248 1'00"238
93. Honekko 3'06"941 0'59"366 3139
94. KyllerHunter 3'07"410 0'59"113 2433
95. Kort_Everett_Jackson 3'09"818 0'59"309 3054
96. x_loto 3'13"974 1'00"680 3245
97. msaari 3'14"157 0'00"000
98. Snagglux09 3'14"276 1'01"931 3187
99. SuperSkanvis 3'16"998 1'02"351 2544
100. Ferris Beuller 3'25"000 1'08"000 1250
101. Hadda 3'45"241 1'08"863
No Snake - Sem Snake
102. Onizuka 5'00"000 0'00"000
103. Cpt.JJ 5'00"000 0'00"000
104. Locks 5'00"000 0'00"000
105. JKT 5'00"000 3'00"000
106. IceStormV1 5'00"000 0'00"000
107. Wannabegood 5'00"000 0'00"000
108. louis9 5'00"000 0'00"000
109. Falco 9'59"999 0'00"000