F-Zero GX Open - Ruby Cup - Aeropolis - Multiplex

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. RichardTaro 0'18"175 0'04"390 9626
2. kanata 0'18"717 0'04"838 9631
7~513 - 6~366 - 4~838
3. Chrizzle 0'19"434 0'05"396 2958
07~341 - 06~358 - 05~735
4. STIFF 0'20"012 0'05"883 2861
07~619 - 06~510 - 05~883
5. midiman 0'20"201 0'05"929
7~654 - 6~495 - 6~052
6. LuCypha 0'21"849 0'00"000
7. Mahrla 0'21"902 0'05"662
8. juniorain 0'25"830 0'08"373 9324
9. superSANIC 0'28"608 0'08"013 3633
11\"172 - 09\"424 - 08\"013 | 12/23/20
10. scene316 0'30"290 0'09"839 3147
11. lining 0'31"604 0'08"855 2738
12. Joselle A. 0'33"045 0'10"485 2825
11\"187 - 10\"485 - 11\"373
Maximum Dragon
13. Onizuka 0'33"832 0'00"000
14. falc0re 0'34"224 0'00"000
15. Horley 0'34"450 0'00"000
16. iowa 0'35"490 0'11"653 3339
17. Mitani 0'46"398 0'00"000
18. Firehawk 0'50"020 0'12"266 9641
19. CGN 1'14"918 0'23"018 9337
27\"242 - 24\"360 - 23\"316
Set on: 26/09/2014
20. whvn 1'18"764 0'24"290 3627
21. Sixxer 1'20"790 0'24"963
22. Falcon 1'26"357 3'00"000
23. JkLoser 1'26"999 0'00"000
24. J_Mitchell 1'30"768 0'27"622 3156
25. Jonathan_Gillo 1'31"645 0'28"852
26. houndogz 1'31"829 0'09"246 2994
27. JKT 1'35"284 3'00"000
28. Mengsk 1'35"930 0'30"750 3117
29. Rayquaza_Luke 1'36"378 0'00"000
30. SabreAnt 1'37"898 0'00"000
31. Pierre_Barthod 1'38"231 0'31"272 3282
can win 2s at first lap
32. Trevor_Caldwell 1'38"537 0'30"981
33. Ryuuji 1'38"976 0'31"117
34. JesusFreak197 1'39"443 0'31"271 3005
35`686 - 31`271 - 32`486
35. WMJ 1'40"405 0'00"000
36. Emperor91 1'40"604 0'30"927
37. ZeroPlus 1'40"799 0'00"000
38. Paul_Maes 1'41"005 0'31"743 7242
39. BulletBill 1'41"275 0'32"115
40. Endless 1'41"290 0'32"083 3035
41. Greg_Camarda 1'42"366 0'32"084 3060
42. Sherif 1'43"779 0'00"000
43. astro 1'43"961 0'33"088 2893
44. statix 1'45"003 0'00"000
45. BretStiles 1'45"379 0'33"207 2976
46. spirit_fox 1'46"128 0'33"150 2890
this was a brand new record for me
47. AliekBertolucci 1'47"705 0'34"614 2715
48. JuggerKnopp 1'47"813 0'34"588 2740
49. BPA 1'48"573 0'36"191
50. Xavier De Busscher 1'48"757 0'33"749 9485
51. Dave Phaneuf 1'49"562 0'00"000
52. zell99 1'49"603 0'00"000
53. Lagzorius 1'49"912 0'32"596
42''081 + 35''235 + 32''596
Non Side Attacks Max speed
54. dizzle747 1'50"410 0'33"067 2908
55. obiwankenobi12 1'50"830 0'00"000
56. Scepheo 1'51"026 0'36"258 2772
57. Berserker77 1'51"135 0'35"012 2630
Tornado Condor-v2
58. apas 1'51"199 3'00"000
without dakou/spaceflying
59. darkeye 1'51"406 0'34"497 2686
41\"014 - 35\"207 - 35\"185
Fat Shark
60. Helix0207 1'53"656 0'00"000
61. Michael_Houghton 1'54"093 0'37"632
62. Jed Cournoyer 1'54"408 1'54"408 2827
63. iorek8 1'55"567 0'00"000
64. Pico769 1'55"737 0'36"396 2640
w/ Garnet Gantlet
65. shadowgamer196 1'56"326 0'00"000
66. ReddoGX 1'56"512 0'35"288 2511
67. ElliotJones 1'56"522 0'00"000
68. DarkMaster 1'57"927 3'00"000
Non dakou
69. Locks 2'00"088 0'00"000
70. zero_or_die 2'00"688 0'36"779
71. Antman 2'01"710 0'37"177 2630
72. A_l_e_x 2'01"881 0'37"401 2661
73. thevorace 2'02"214 0'36"829 2864
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/non-HiddenSB/SA/Suicide
74. snubnose 2'04"588 0'40"096 2731
75. BrokenSpacebar 2'04"612 0'38"468 2721
0\'44\"209 0\'41\"955 0\'38\"468
76. Tedbear24 2'05"368 0'40"491 2616
Snaking Run
77. Samus_Aran_187 2'06"449 0'39"757 2674
78. Nappino 2'07"067 0'39"335 2740
79. LewisMintCake 2'07"084 0'38"746 2334
80. GPLegendUser07 2'07"859 0'40"125 2769
81. royzourboy 2'08"484 0'41"689 2935
82. KyllerHunter 2'08"631 0'41"381 2150
83. SSGuy 2'09"215 0'39"285 2023
84. Mark Padelsky 2'09"955 0'39"396 9368
85. spotnick99 2'11"410 0'40"592 2630
43\"681 - 44\"811 - 42\"918
black bull
86. White0ut 2'11"541 0'39"713 2467
87. FatShark31 2'11"833 0'00"000
88. Mat_Allen 2'12"654 0'40"568
89. Daravos 2'12"672 0'42"955 2450
90. TheKoopabros. 2'12"921 0'00"000
91. Dunjundweller 2'13"042 0'42"323
92. moogleslam 2'15"096 0'41"989 2230
93. foxmccloudx 2'15"184 0'00"000
94. Wannabegood 2'16"000 0'00"000
95. Honekko 2'16"129 0'42"151 2234
96. Kaze 2'16"359 0'00"000
97. ToadBowser 2'18"179 0'42"593 2478
98. Carlos Arellano Sepu 2'18"335 0'42"530 1937
99. msaari 2'19"548 0'00"000
100. Kort_Everett_Jackson 2'20"004 0'43"768 2405
101. _Phyre_ 2'20"206 0'00"000
102. CobraCZ 2'21"373 0'44"387 2032
103. Edsgravy0 2'21"558 0'43"655 1928
104. h40hm4ru 2'24"074 0'44"978
105. Thunder_Luigi 2'24"174 0'35"940 2106
106. Gamma_ 2'25"079 0'00"000
107. davecrawford 2'25"221 0'46"190
108. CycloneJoker 2'26"393 0'43"083 1801
1st 00\'52\"368 2nd 00\'47\"942 3rd 00\'43\"083
109. louis9 2'26"520 0'00"000
110. Zazzertaro 2'27"874 0'47"368 1699
111. BlueThunderfan 2'29"293 0'47"036 1981
112. NewCaptainFalcon 2'30"270 0'45"496 1974
113. x_loto 2'31"403 0'46"105 1818
114. SuperSkanvis 2'31"811 0'47"286 1807
115. IceStormV1 2'32"588 0'00"000
116. Snagglux09 2'35"857 0'48"603 2080
117. Veloruis 2'36"560 0'48"519 1820
50% settings for the times. Max speed was at 25% settings.
118. latortue 2'40"259 0'51"275 1776
119. fennec74 2'41"108 0'52"285 1712
120. Ferris Beuller 2'50"000 0'55"000 1250
121. Profi_jdr_10 2'50"169 0'54"639 1962
122. Hadda 2'50"584 0'53"146
No Snake - Sem Snake
123. Sami_Cetin 2'55"396 0'55"350 1792
124. Cpt.JJ 5'00"000 0'00"000
125. Falco 9'59"999 0'00"000