F-Zero GX Open - Diamond Cup - Cosmo Terminal - Trident

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. RichardTaro 0'31"538 0'07"319 9644
2. kanata 0'41"202 0'07"666 9568
10~602 - 14~758 - 15~842
3. Firehawk 0'41"315 0'07"746 9625
10"686 - 15"021 - 15"608
Lap3 Missed
4. midiman 0'44"241 0'10"697
10~968 - 16~597 - 16~676
5. Chrizzle 0'44"246 0'10"045 2821
11~074 - 16~358 - 16~814
6. STIFF 0'44"991 0'10"629 2993
11~166 - 16~699 - 17~126
7. Mahrla 0'45"795 0'08"745
11'399 - 17'512 - 16'884
lap2 fail
8. LuCypha 0'47"051 0'00"000
9. juniorain 0'48"032 0'09"667 9312
snake time 2`24~225 1 try
10. houndogz 0'49"718 0'11"973 2838
11. SabreAnt 0'50"223 0'00"000
12. Mitani 0'55"635 0'00"000
13. Onizuka 0'56"879 0'00"000
14. Rayquaza_Luke 0'57"739 0'00"000
15. scene316 0'57"747 0'12"263 2486
16. Endless 0'58"870 0'16"257 3097
16~257 - 20~337 - 22~276
17. lining 0'59"500 0'11"730 2979
18. JKT 0'59"830 0'18"475
19. falc0re 1'02"115 0'00"000
20. Joselle A. 1'06"494 0'13"291 3169
13\"291 - 29\"937 - 23\"266
Maximum Dragon
21. Xavier De Busscher 1'07"818 0'13"346 9483
Dakou/Space Flying.
22. Horley 1'10"785 0'00"000
23. Trevor_Caldwell 1'10"927 0'20"362
24. iowa 1'15"761 0'24"161 3524
25. Mengsk 1'15"999 0'24"551 3367
26. ElliotJones 1'16"000 0'00"000
27. WMJ 1'20"099 0'00"000
28. superSANIC 1'23"962 0'22"920 3878
25\"926 - 35\"116 - 22\"920 | 12/23/20
29. BretStiles 1'30"679 0'20"199 2795
30. CGN 1'42"771 0'28"671 4087
38\"928 + 30\"734 + 33\"109
100% Max Speed settings.
31. statix 1'50"144 0'00"000
32. Falcon 1'56"536 0'36"114 3467
33. Sixxer 2'01"292 0'36"755
34. JkLoser 2'02"999 0'00"000
35. whvn 2'05"000 0'35"877 3345
36. Scepheo 2'15"454 0'26"783 2374
37. astro 2'16"125 0'43"151 2878
38. Lagzorius 2'18"340 0'41"614
Non Side Attacks Max speed
39. Jonathan_Gillo 2'20"578 0'43"168
40. JesusFreak197 2'22"850 0'45"227 4191
51`650 - 45`227 - 45`973
41. Paul_Maes 2'22"920 0'45"005 3013
excellent !
42. apas 2'27"793 3'00"000
without dakou/spaceflying
43. dizzle747 2'28"856 0'46"846 2891
44. Ryuuji 2'37"844 0'00"000
45. J_Mitchell 2'38"125 0'23"142 3176
46. AliekBertolucci 2'39"639 0'50"547
47. ZeroPlus 2'42"949 0'00"000
48. darkeye 2'44"239 0'49"238 3197
1\'04\"958 - 50\"043 - 49\"238
Gallant Star-G4
49. DarkMaster 2'44"665 3'00"000
Non dakou
50. JuggerKnopp 2'45"383 0'51"265 2109
51. Michael_Houghton 2'48"929 0'49"753
52. Mat_Allen 2'49"474 0'47"628
53. iorek8 2'50"409 0'00"000
54. Antman 2'51"089 0'50"710 3514
55. A_l_e_x 2'52"226 0'50"265 3049
56. Dave Phaneuf 2'52"593 0'00"000
57. thevorace 2'52"804 0'51"020 3161
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/NonHiddenSB/SA/Suicide time is 2\'56\'025
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/LedgeSB/SA/Suicide
58. ReddoGX 2'53"269 0'50"951 3026
59. BulletBill 2'53"837 0'57"414
60. LewisMintCake 2'55"464 0'50"780 2710
61. spirit_fox 2'55"551 0'51"115 3063
62. zell99 2'55"582 0'00"000
63. shadowgamer196 2'55"876 0'00"000
64. zero_or_die 2'56"317 0'51"606
65. Sherif 2'56"423 0'00"000
66. moogleslam 2'56"979 0'51"900 2779
67. White0ut 2'57"599 0'52"143 2725
68. foxmccloudx 2'57"648 0'00"000
69. Greg_Camarda 2'57"679 0'51"194 2544
70. Honekko 2'57"789 0'51"900 2681
71. Nappino 2'57"811 0'52"182 2656
72. Pierre_Barthod 2'57"926 0'52"178 2630
73. Carlos Arellano Sepu 2'57"987 0'51"993
74. Mark Padelsky 2'58"137 0'52"787 9351
75. obiwankenobi12 2'58"211 0'00"000
76. Jed Cournoyer 2'59"641 3'00"000
77. Daravos 3'00"443 0'53"001 2868
78. KyllerHunter 3'01"240 0'52"598 2610
79. Berserker77 3'01"705 0'54"708 2651
80. ToadBowser 3'02"771 0'54"966 2553
81. _Phyre_ 3'03"767 0'00"000
82. BPA 3'03"992 1'01"330
83. Kaze 3'04"008 0'00"000
84. BrokenSpacebar 3'04"051 0'53"108 2653
85. TheKoopabros. 3'04"632 0'00"000
86. CobraCZ 3'05"797 0'54"746 2601
87. Gamma_ 3'06"059 0'00"000
88. Kort_Everett_Jackson 3'06"959 0'55"609 2582
89. GPLegendUser07 3'07"911 0'55"980 2364
90. FatShark31 3'08"145 0'00"000
91. Samus_Aran_187 3'09"059 0'57"489 2416
92. Pico769 3'09"913 0'57"227 2401
93. snubnose 3'10"430 0'55"168 3234
94. davecrawford 3'11"355 0'58"128
95. louis9 3'15"302 0'00"000
96. msaari 3'18"577 0'00"000
97. x_loto 3'22"772 1'02"819 2879
98. IceStormV1 3'23"354 0'00"000
99. Helix0207 3'24"689 0'00"000
100. SuperSkanvis 3'25"170 1'02"983 2482
101. Ferris Beuller 3'30"000 1'10"000 1250
102. Hadda 3'48"635 1'13"159
No Snake - Sem Snake
103. Cpt.JJ 5'00"000 0'00"000
104. Locks 5'00"000 0'00"000
105. Wannabegood 5'00"000 0'00"000
106. Falco 9'59"999 0'00"000