F-Zero GX Open - AX Cup - Lightning - Thunder Road

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

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Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. RichardTaro 0'44"756 0'06"811 9589
2. kanata 0'47"324 0'09"270 9529
22~689 - 14~906 - 9~729
3. Chrizzle 0'51"289 0'13"254 3246
22"986 - 14"739 - 13"564
4. STIFF 0'52"505 0'14"271 2750
23"985 - 14"214 - 14"306
5. Mahrla 0'54"662 0'12"721
23"794 - 15"901 - 14"967
6. midiman 0'57"104 0'14"498
23~976 - 16~302 - 16~826
7. juniorain 1'14"835 0'17"516
8. LuCypha 1'22"238 0'00"000
9. CGN 1'48"329 0'32"012 4660
41\"334 - 34\"789 - 32\"206
Set on: 24/08/2013
10. Mitani 2'00"698 0'00"000
11. Sixxer 2'03"684 0'38"449
12. whvn 2'04"713 0'38"165 3680
13. superSANIC 2'05"019 0'37"076 3882
47\"417 - 37\"339 - 40\"263
[05/13/16] Snaking
14. Falcon 2'05"639 3'00"000
15. JkLoser 2'06"554 0'00"000
16. iowa 2'11"167 0'40"156 3276
17. Mengsk 2'12"053 0'41"445 3039
18. scene316 2'14"851 0'42"918 3161
19. Horley 2'19"598 0'00"000
20. J_Mitchell 2'21"038 0'43"712 3009
21. Greg_Camarda 2'21"828 0'44"099 2991
22. Jonathan_Gillo 2'22"698 0'44"550
23. ZeroPlus 2'23"040 0'00"000
24. Joselle A. 2'24"474 0'44"688 3578
54\"602 - 45\"184 - 44\"688
Tornado Gantlet-V2
25. falc0re 2'24"551 0'00"000
26. JesusFreak197 2'24"718 0'45"922 2958
27. Emperor91 2'25"406 0'46"117
28. SabreAnt 2'27"461 0'00"000
29. BulletBill 2'27"596 0'46"720
30. Trevor_Caldwell 2'28"771 0'46"706
31. astro 2'29"080 0'47"066 3334
32. Paul_Maes 2'29"251 0'47"278 2928
33. WMJ 2'29"596 0'00"000
34. Rayquaza_Luke 2'29"663 0'00"000
35. JuggerKnopp 2'30"491 0'45"566 2986
36. AliekBertolucci 2'31"585 0'47"033 2529
37. Pierre_Barthod 2'31"753 0'47"258 2776
38. Ryuuji 2'33"064 0'48"400
39. houndogz 2'34"307 0'49"586 2812
40. Endless 2'36"229 0'49"228 2700
41. BPA 2'37"934 0'52"644
42. Xavier De Busscher 2'38"419 0'50"225 9490
43. Dave Phaneuf 2'38"912 0'00"000
44. spirit_fox 2'39"891 0'50"629 2731
45. Firehawk 2'40"967 0'41"859 9629
46. Berserker77 2'41"021 0'51"484 3152
Tornado Condor-v2
47. Pico769 2'41"928 0'51"598 2894
w/ Garnet Gantlet
48. zero_or_die 2'42"568 0'52"502
49. statix 2'42"760 0'00"000
50. BretStiles 2'42"860 0'52"780 2814
51. darkeye 2'42"865 0'51"393 2663
1\'00\"019 - 51\"453 - 51\"393
Omega Condor-V2
52. iorek8 2'44"454 0'00"000
53. Jed Cournoyer 2'46"193 3'00"000
54. lining 2'48"425 0'51"948 2632
55. obiwankenobi12 2'49"640 0'00"000
56. Michael_Houghton 2'49"787 0'54"356
57. FatShark31 2'52"039 0'00"000
58. ElliotJones 2'55"688 0'00"000
59. snubnose 2'55"928 0'57"132 2785
60. Helix0207 2'56"436 0'00"000
61. apas 2'56"890 3'00"000
62. zell99 2'57"241 0'00"000
63. DarkMaster 2'57"905 3'00"000
64. ReddoGX 2'58"669 0'52"214 2460
65. dizzle747 2'58"779 0'56"773 2425
66. Lagzorius 2'58"851 0'52"547
Non Side Attacks Max speed
67. GPLegendUser07 2'59"140 0'57"926 2593
68. A_l_e_x 2'59"568 0'52"667 2477
69. Antman 2'59"599 0'52"899 2562
70. Samus_Aran_187 3'02"540 0'57"950 2601
71. Scepheo 3'03"710 0'58"606 2458
72. BrokenSpacebar 3'04"909 1'00"306 2644
Custom Car
73. LewisMintCake 3'07"561 0'55"209 2358
74. Mark Padelsky 3'07"851 0'56"934 9347
75. shadowgamer196 3'08"265 0'00"000
76. thevorace 3'09"474 0'56"990 2520
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/non-HiddenSB/SA/Suicide
77. Mat_Allen 3'10"376 0'57"246
78. Nappino 3'11"689 1'00"791 2673
79. foxmccloudx 3'12"779 0'00"000
80. Sherif 3'16"783 0'00"000
81. White0ut 3'17"814 1'01"157 2032
82. Kort_Everett_Jackson 3'19"000 1'03"433 2511
83. Kaze 3'19"145 0'00"000
84. Deltar 3'21"630 1'03"798 2697
85. Carlos Arellano Sepu 3'23"489 1'02"316 2203
86. _Phyre_ 3'26"084 0'00"000
87. KyllerHunter 3'26"168 1'03"286 2116
88. moogleslam 3'28"877 1'02"934 2106
89. Honekko 3'29"873 1'02"820 2551
90. Gamma_ 3'30"641 0'00"000
91. x_loto 3'36"760 1'04"839 2415
92. ToadBowser 3'44"069 1'10"101 2364
93. davecrawford 3'51"126 1'13"388
94. Ferris Beuller 3'55"000 1'18"000 1250
95. IceStormV1 3'55"205 0'00"000
96. Profi_jdr_10 4'16"759 1'21"929 1664
97. Onizuka 5'00"000 0'00"000
98. Cpt.JJ 5'00"000 0'00"000
99. Locks 5'00"000 0'00"000
100. JKT 5'00"000 3'00"000
101. Wannabegood 5'00"000 0'00"000
102. msaari 5'00"000 0'00"000
103. louis9 5'00"000 0'00"000
104. TheKoopabros. 5'00"000 0'00"000
105. Falco 9'59"999 0'00"000