F-Zero GX Open - Sapphire Cup - Port Town - Long Pipe

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

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Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. kanata 0'18"207 0'04"400 9588
6~583 - 6~268 - 5~356
2. RichardTaro 0'18"784 0'04"333 9590
3. Chrizzle 0'18"857 0'05"646 2822
07~224 - 05~987 - 05~646
4. Mahrla 0'19"371 0'04"581
5. midiman 0'19"569 0'06"047
6~948 - 6~047 - 6~574
6. STIFF 0'19"835 0'04"615 2786
07~253 - 06~342 - 06~240
7. juniorain 0'19"934 0'05"401 9348
No splits...1 place thing
8. LuCypha 0'20"707 0'00"000
9. scene316 0'24"597 0'07"540 2648
7~992 9~065 7~540
10. Mitani 0'25"653 0'00"000
11. Firehawk 0'26"278 0'05"530 9646
12. Endless 0'27"624 0'08"711 2582
9~544 - 9~369 - 8~711
13. SabreAnt 0'29"165 0'00"000
14. Horley 0'30"216 0'00"000
15. JKT 0'30"506 0'07"889
16. superSANIC 0'31"276 0'09"748 2593
11\"616 - 09\"912 - 09\"748
[12/15/16] Flying
17. Joselle A. 0'31"355 0'09"218 2392
10\"940 - 09\"218 - 11\"197
Maximum Dragon
18. houndogz 0'32"031 0'08"139 2565
19. iowa 0'34"855 0'10"772 2790
20. Rayquaza_Luke 0'35"041 0'00"000
21. falc0re 0'35"899 0'00"000
22. WMJ 0'36"912 0'00"000
23. Cpt.JJ 0'37"203 0'00"000
24. Fifa 0'38"630 0'11"128
25. Xavier De Busscher 0'39"361 0'12"135 9479
Dakou/Space Flying.
26. lining 0'42"291 0'10"387 2828
27. Scepheo 0'44"527 0'13"376 2571
28. Mengsk 0'45"923 0'15"152 2772
29. JuggerKnopp 0'50"956 0'15"412 1997
30. zell99 0'58"374 0'00"000
31. iorek8 1'04"789 0'00"000
32. BPA 1'12"353 0'24"117
33. Paul_Maes 1'23"363 0'27"254 9210
34. BretStiles 1'26"630 0'25"838 2581
35. Jonathan_Gillo 1'42"871 0'33"698
36. Trevor_Caldwell 1'43"535 0'19"208
37. CGN 1'46"704 0'34"143 9336
38\'\'150 - 34\'\'196 - 34\'\'358
Set on: 24/09/2011
38. JkLoser 1'50"298 0'00"000
39. Falcon 1'51"513 3'00"000
40. JesusFreak197 1'52"139 0'35"631 9362
38`927 - 37`581 - 35`631
41. Sixxer 1'53"503 0'35"810
42. J_Mitchell 1'53"772 0'33"419 2554
Maximum Wyvern
43. AliekBertolucci 2'01"660 0'40"360 2010
44. whvn 2'02"888 0'39"130 2383
43`137, 39`130, 40`621
45. dizzle747 2'06"084 0'41"101 2706
46. ZeroPlus 2'09"633 0'00"000
47. Emperor91 2'11"212 0'41"923
48. apas 2'14"818 3'00"000
without dakou/spaceflying
49. DarkMaster 2'15"101 3'00"000
Non dakou
50. Lagzorius 2'15"470 0'41"406
Non Side Attacks Max speed
51. ReddoGX 2'17"488 0'43"091 2044
52. Ryuuji 2'17"806 0'44"819
53. darkeye 2'18"188 0'43"018 2102
50\"078 - 45\"092 - 43\"018
Fat Shark
54. zero_or_die 2'18"361 0'45"124
55. Greg_Camarda 2'18"606 0'42"918 2226
56. astro 2'18"609 0'44"743 2233
57. A_l_e_x 2'19"618 0'44"007 2081
58. BulletBill 2'20"327 0'44"552
59. LewisMintCake 2'20"484 0'43"885 2040
60. Antman 2'20"714 0'45"535 2035
61. obiwankenobi12 2'21"158 0'00"000
62. Sherif 2'21"684 0'00"000
63. shadowgamer196 2'22"068 0'00"000
64. Michael_Houghton 2'22"133 0'45"363
65. Dave Phaneuf 2'22"767 0'00"000
66. FatShark31 2'23"034 0'00"000
67. spirit_fox 2'23"534 0'44"555 2010
a max speed record
68. foxmccloudx 2'23"534 0'00"000
69. Mat_Allen 2'23"578 0'42"409
70. Mark Padelsky 2'25"733 0'45"945 9387
71. White0ut 2'26"068 0'45"495 2024
72. thevorace 2'26"250 0'45"394 1984
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/non-HiddenSB/SA/Suicide
73. Pierre_Barthod 2'26"352 0'46"682 2138
74. Jed Cournoyer 2'26"965 3'00"000
75. Berserker77 2'27"211 0'46"290 2117
Gallant Cannon-G4
76. Helix0207 2'29"373 0'00"000
77. Kaze 2'29"601 0'00"000
78. statix 2'30"133 0'00"000
79. BrokenSpacebar 2'32"004 0'48"952 1812
0\'53\"435 0\'49\"617 0\'48\"952
80. Honekko 2'32"040 0'47"075 1904
81. Samus_Aran_187 2'33"319 0'48"856 1881
82. moogleslam 2'33"367 0'48"840 1911
83. ToadBowser 2'33"648 0'48"231 1891
84. louis9 2'33"747 0'00"000
85. _Phyre_ 2'34"251 0'00"000
86. Carlos Arellano Sepu 2'34"324 0'48"629 1851
87. Pico769 2'34"617 0'46"541 2057
w/Fat Shark & Tornado Condor-V2
88. Gamma_ 2'34"715 0'00"000
89. Daravos 2'35"805 0'49"214 1745
90. Nappino 2'35"814 0'49"936 9285
91. CobraCZ 2'35"833 0'49"933 1738
92. msaari 2'36"461 0'00"000
93. davecrawford 2'36"802 0'49"783
94. h40hm4ru 2'37"269 0'49"702
95. x_loto 2'37"437 0'50"428 1769
96. snubnose 2'38"038 0'49"519 2126
97. Kort_Everett_Jackson 2'38"336 0'49"639 1672
98. KyllerHunter 2'38"608 0'50"536 1843
99. TheKoopabros. 2'39"474 0'00"000
100. IceStormV1 2'44"449 0'00"000
101. Locks 2'46"890 0'00"000
102. GPLegendUser07 2'47"334 0'53"981
103. Dunjundweller 2'48"169 0'52"638
104. SuperSkanvis 2'48"332 0'54"186 1792
105. Ferris Beuller 2'50"000 0'55"000 1250
106. latortue 2'56"912 0'56"390 1676
107. Hadda 2'58"388 0'56"972
No Snake - Sem Snake
108. Sami_Cetin 3'03"828 0'56"685 1591
109. fennec74 3'07"274 1'00"385 1527
110. Profi_jdr_10 3'13"714 1'02"382 1654
111. Onizuka 5'00"000 0'00"000
112. ElliotJones 5'00"000 0'00"000
113. Wannabegood 5'00"000 0'00"000
114. Falco 9'59"999 0'00"000