F-Zero GX Open - Emerald Cup - Big Blue - Ordeal

Times in green were updated in the last week.

Times in grey have not been updated in over a month.

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Ruby Cup
Mute City - Twist Road
Casino Palace - Split Oval
Sand Ocean - Surface Slide
Lightning - Loop Cross
Aeropolis - Multiplex

Sapphire Cup
Big Blue - Drift Highway
Port Town - Aero Dive
Green Plant - Mobius Ring
Port Town - Long Pipe
Mute City - Serial Gaps

Emerald Cup
Fire Field - Cylinder Knot
Green Plant - Intersection
Casino Palace - Double Branches
Lightning - Half Pipe
Big Blue - Ordeal

Diamond Cup
Cosmo Terminal - Trident
Sand Ocean - Lateral Shift
Fire Field - Undulation
Aeropolis - Dragon Slope
Phantom Road - Slim Line Slits

AX Cup
Aeropolis - Screw Drive
Outer Space - Meteor Stream
Port Town - Cylinder Wave
Lightning - Thunder Road
Green Plant - Spiral
Mute City - Sonic Oval

Add your times

Player Course time Best lap Max speed
1. kanata 0'13"376 0'03"554 9609
5~788 - 4~016 - 3~572
2. Chrizzle 0'13"670 0'03"804 9283
05~696 - 04~170 - 03~804
3. RichardTaro 0'13"697 0'03"302 9628
4. Mitani 0'13"814 0'00"000
5. Firehawk 0'14"250 0'03"844 9643
5"847 - 4"509 - 3"894
6. STIFF 0'14"324 0'03"978 2830
06~139 - 04~207 - 03~978
7. midiman 0'14"328 0'03"890
6~1xx - 4~1xx - 4~0xx
8. LuCypha 0'14"638 0'00"000
9. lining 0'14"930 0'04"234 2334
10. JkLoser 0'14"999 0'00"000
11. juniorain 0'15"194 0'04"298 9305
6~0xx-4~6-x~xxx Maybe....
12. FatShark31 0'15"389 0'00"000
13. Mahrla 0'15"431 0'03"917
14. superSANIC 0'15"504 0'04"092 3561
06\"270 - 04\"755 - 04\"479 | 12/20/20
15. Mengsk 0'15"518 0'04"403
16. iowa 0'15"557 0'04"407 2817
17. JesusFreak197 0'15"565 0'04"289 2547
6`166 - 5`110 - 4`289
18. Fifa 0'15"640 0'00"000
19. scene316 0'15"742 0'04"445 2621
20. Onizuka 0'15"856 0'00"000
21. Rayquaza_Luke 0'16"060 0'00"000
22. BretStiles 0'16"243 0'04"683 2649
23. FighBat 0'16"324 0'00"000
24. Pierre_Barthod 0'16"350 0'05"043 2513
video on my site
25. SabreAnt 0'16"450 0'00"000
26. falc0re 0'16"660 0'00"000
27. houndogz 0'16"904 0'05"407 2613
28. Joselle A. 0'17"140 0'05"036 2681
06\"991 - 05\"113 - 05\"036
Maximum Dragon
29. WMJ 0'17"312 0'00"000
30. Paul_Maes 0'17"535 0'05"275 2608
very easy race !!lol!!
31. Endless 0'17"639 0'04"923 2630
7~210 - 5~506 - 4~923
32. Cpt.JJ 0'17"659 0'00"000
33. obiwankenobi12 0'17"850 0'00"000
34. Michael_Houghton 0'18"332 0'06"048
35. Horley 0'18"555 0'00"000
36. Trevor_Caldwell 0'18"683 0'05"990
37. J_Mitchell 0'18"701 0'05"135 2807
Combat Dragon
38. Xavier De Busscher 0'19"531 0'06"080 9470
Dakou/Space Flying.
39. iorek8 0'19"675 0'00"000
40. Scepheo 0'20"221 0'06"008 2658
41. Hulmy 0'20"260 0'06"021 2599
07\"498 - 06\"741 - 06\"021
42. GPLegendUser07 0'20"276 0'06"108 2503
43. zell99 0'20"743 0'00"000
44. Samus_Aran_187 0'21"176 0'06"340 2607
45. BPA 0'23"812 0'07"937
46. JuggerKnopp 0'24"298 0'07"052 2517
47. FSF Returns 0'25"316 0'07"648 1716
9\"039 - 8\"629 - 7\"648
48. Dave Phaneuf 0'28"103 0'00"000
49. astro 0'29"905 0'08"833 2604
10''416 + 9''664 + 9''825
50. ElliotJones 0'33"014 0'00"000
51. zero_or_die 0'34"815 0'10"993
52. statix 0'35"451 0'00"000
53. Helix0207 0'50"999 0'00"000
54. ValiantEdge_RX 0'55"628 0'17"237 2044
55. FoREVer4258 1'12"261 0'06"947 2486
56. Falcon 1'42"943 3'00"000
i want this fckng wr!!
57. CGN 1'45"999 0'03"659 3280
37\"081 - 34\"597 - 34\"321
Set on: 14/02/2009
58. Sixxer 1'46"242 0'34"674
59. JKT 1'57"941 3'00"000
60. whvn 2'05"999 3'00"000
61. ZeroPlus 2'09"486 0'00"000
62. Emperor91 2'09"710 0'41"191
63. Greg_Camarda 2'12"614 0'40"445 2627
64. Jonathan_Gillo 2'12"852 0'42"049
65. AliekBertolucci 2'13"870 0'42"936 2532
66. Ryuuji 2'22"029 0'44"238
67. dizzle747 2'24"528 0'45"988 2537
68. darkeye 2'24"717 0'43"869 2570
53\"096 - 43\"869 - 47\"752
Gallant Star-G4
69. apas 2'26"375 3'00"000
without dakou/spaceflying
70. BulletBill 2'27"573 0'50"207
71. Lagzorius 2'27"814 0'44"634
Non Side Attacks Max speed
72. Jed Cournoyer 2'27"912 3'00"000
73. DarkMaster 2'28"994 3'00"000
Non dakou
74. Antman 2'29"013 0'45"564 2303
75. ReddoGX 2'31"122 0'45"236 2145
76. A_l_e_x 2'31"477 0'45"811 2242
77. spirit_fox 2'36"123 0'50"385 2535
jesus christ this is horrible
78. BrokenSpacebar 2'37"465 0'50"597 2481
0\'55\"754 0\'51\"114 0\'50\"597
79. LewisMintCake 2'39"754 0'49"415 2065
80. Pico769 2'39"828 0'52"402 2264
81. shadowgamer196 2'40"113 0'00"000
82. thevorace 2'41"768 0'50"008 2263
Max Speed No MT/MTS/MTRS/non-HiddenSB/SA/Suicide
83. Berserker77 2'43"874 0'51"676 2169
Heat Wolf-Z
84. customracer209 2'44"221 0'43"543 1660
It's hard!
85. foxmccloudx 2'47"935 0'00"000
86. snubnose 2'48"097 0'53"060 2195
87. Mark Padelsky 2'48"652 0'53"502 9402
88. Sherif 2'49"174 0'00"000
89. White0ut 2'49"556 0'53"725 1995
90. Nappino 2'50"715 0'53"794 2083
91. Mat_Allen 2'54"791 0'56"254
92. _Phyre_ 2'55"578 0'00"000
93. Honekko 2'56"283 0'55"269 2015
94. Kaze 2'56"376 0'00"000
95. Daravos 2'56"721 0'56"077 1974
96. moogleslam 2'57"799 0'55"666 2004
97. KyllerHunter 2'58"021 0'55"078 1957
98. Carlos Arellano Sepu 2'58"229 0'56"087 1931
99. Gamma_ 2'59"349 0'00"000
100. TheKoopabros. 2'59"411 0'00"000
101. CobraCZ 3'03"908 0'57"655 1751
102. Kort_Everett_Jackson 3'05"029 0'58"516 2496
103. h40hm4ru 3'06"595 0'59"139
104. IceStormV1 3'06"729 0'00"000
105. Snagglux09 3'06"820 0'57"716 1739
106. SuperSkanvis 3'07"405 1'00"252 1867
107. davecrawford 3'08"194 1'00"854
108. msaari 3'09"014 0'00"000
109. ToadBowser 3'09"316 1'00"009 1904
110. louis9 3'11"312 0'00"000
111. x_loto 3'11"797 1'01"648 1788
112. Dunjundweller 3'13"281 1'01"707
113. fennec74 3'26"276 1'05"539 1638
114. Ferris Beuller 3'30"000 1'10"000 1250
115. Sami_Cetin 3'30"293 1'07"110 1538
116. Hadda 3'52"480 1'14"348
No Snake - Sem Snake
117. Locks 5'00"000 0'00"000
118. Wannabegood 5'00"000 0'00"000
119. Falco 9'59"999 0'00"000